Squirrel Watch: Day 6

Today was pretty uneventful (squirrel-wise; don’t get me started on my computer woes!). Thank goodness, because the last couple of days have had me a bit tense.

The female who had the blood in her mouth last night is fine. She had a little more this morning, but then I noticed a small cut on the inside of her lower lip. So I think that the sucking probably caused it to bleed. It only happened on the first feeding and not again during the rest of the day, so I think we’re fine there. However, I did catch her in the act of sucking on her little brother! She’d already eaten plenty, so I just dipped the nipple on the syringe into the formula to give her a taste and let her suck on that as long as she wanted. Hopefully that will remove the urge to use the poor lilttle guy as her pacifier. Tomorrow I’ll check on the situation again and, if it looks like it’s any worse, I’ll try some of the other possible remedies.

My biggest one gained 6 grams since yesterday—that’s a good healthy amount. But I think he ate a little too enthusiastically earlier in the day, because his belly was still full by the time the last feeding came around. I didn’t give him any more so that he can work on digesting what’s already in there during the night. It’s much worse to overfeed a squirrel than underfeed it.

Since I’m a big believer in jinx theory, I’m not going to express any glowing opinions on how they’re doing. As June was saying to me last night, we think of these guys as fully formed animals, but they’re still really tiny. At this morning’s weigh-in, they ranged from 71-104 grams, which means they’re all less than a quarter of a pound. That’s the size of some hamburgers, fer cryin’ out loud!

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